Perceptions is a unique new series where each book is told from a different character’s first-person point of view. Each has their own differing recollection of events and their own values, ethics, and opinions – their own perceptions. Some you may side with, some you may not. The decision on who is right and wrong is up to you.
At the end of the day, it is your perception that counts...
Fantasy's first secret agent is about to rise. In a desperate mission to save The Amazon Empire Miss Eve must venture into the heathen City of Men!
When the Gods rise again in the suburbs of Chicago the only ones to stand against the is an IT geek and his new girlfriend.... Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt.
Believed to be dead by the family he once served, the Bastard of Jilrir must return to the scenes of his crimes and memories he had desperately tried to suppress, the repentant preacher is left with no choice and must draw his blade again in defense of the ignoble House of Maine